Frequent Asked Questions

Why are you called Cafe Care?

This ministry was first created in a Clayton Coffee shop as an informal meeting place for people to get together and to discuss their issues and challenges. Since then it has grown and is now hosted in the cafe area of Clayton Church of Christ.

Are you a part of Clayton Church of Christ?

Café Care operates separately and independent to the Clayton Church of Christ. Many of the people involved with Cafe Care attend and serve at Clayton Church. Cafe Care benefits from this relationship in the availability and access to church personnel and resources.

We are not affiliated with any single denomination or church although we do identify with evangelical Christianity.

Is Cafe Care just for people in Clayton?

Not at all. If you can make it to the sessions on Monday nights, you are more than welcome to attend. We have members from all over Melbourne and do not exclusively serve community members from Clayton.

How are you funded?

In terms of money, we are entirely self-funded and are driven by our faith, belief, passion and commitment to the community. Clayton Church of Christ provides generous support by allowing us to use their premises.

Can I attend if I am Jewish, Catholic, Buddhist or any other faith?

Trouble and hardship do not discriminate when they come and likewise, we do not discriminate. We welcome everyone.

Do I need to be in trouble to attend the group?

Not at all. Our group is great place to meet people, to learn about God and also valuable life skills. We usually have a variety of interesting speakers from a variety of backgrounds so there is always something new to learn. If you fell like coming in for whatever reason, you are more then welcome to.

Are you based in any other cities or suburbs?

At the moment, we are based only in Melbourne, Clayton.

If I am in trouble, is there anyone I can talk to?

Absolutely. Please call us or email us. Our contact details are here.

What sorts of problems do you help with?

In general, we will try to assist with any problem that anyone brings to us. However, some of the more common issues have included alcoholism, unemployment, homelessness, drug addictions and legal problems.

Are the meetings formal or casual?

Café Care operates in a very casual and relaxed atmosphere and over the course of time, we all get to know each other and friendships usually develop quickly. There is no obligation, cost or any other formality. Just come along, have a chat with us or just sit back and watch.