Who We Are

We are a non-profit Christian ministry that is focused on helping the marginalised and disadvantaged in our community when they have nowhere else to turn. In doing so, we also try to provide encouragement and friendship wherever it may be needed.

Although we operate under the auspices of Clayton Church of Christ, we are in fact an independent body and function as such. Our leaders all come from a variety of churches and our members come from a variety of areas around Melbourne.

We are a team of committed Christians, men and women, that believe that Christ alone has the power, the will and the ability to free people from problems and addictions that nobody else can help with. As such, it is through coming to Christ that we receive healing and renewed lives after the sometimes devastating mistakes and poor choices that we have made in our past.

For this reason, we teach and preach Christ to those that come our way and we never turn anyone away.

We believe that anyone can change, that all adversity can be overcome, that there is always hope and that there is no one that is beyond redemption or beyond the love and reach of Jesus Christ. Positive and powerful changes are possible in anybody’s life if they submit to God and allow Him to work with them and in them to rebuild their hearts, minds and lives. We have seen this wonderful transformation too many times over to doubt it and we also encourage you to witness God’s power personally.

Despite our dealings with those in need, we are also equally welcoming of those who are relatively happy and satisfied with their lives. We believe that everyone can benefit from Biblical teaching and knowledge about who God is, the salvation He offers and the tremendous impact He can have on people’s lives.

Our broader general mission is to share the grace and love of God with members of our broken community and to bring them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Everything we do will always be guided by our Christian values.

From a Biblical and Scriptural standpoint, our position is made clearer in our Statement of Faith.